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If you have stacks of video tapes and boxes of photos piled in your closet, why not bring those memories back to life for friends and relatives?  We make it easy to create unique slide shows and family videos that result in truly memorable gifts.  Our expertise and industrial video and film equipment captures the best quality images from your old films, videos and photos.  And our high end audio gear creates warm sounding files from your vinyl records and cassette tapes.

Our staff is experienced in film studies, non-linear video editing and video processing software.  Having a high resolution digital file of your important family events allows you to archive copies offsite in case of flooding, earthquakes or fires while letting you watch those memories on the latest tablets, laptops and streaming devices.  All media transfers are performed in our studio located on Mercer Island, WA near downtown Seattle so you never have to worry about your precious media being shipped overseas or to outside contractors.

Call, instant message or email us for a price quote or any questions you may have.


We look forward to hearing from you.

Call 206.775.8810 LLC

7683 SE 27th Street, #270

Mercer Island, WA 98040

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